Text to ASCII & ASCII to Text Converter

Text to ASCII and ASCII to Text Converter

Text to ASCII and ASCII to Text Converter

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) and binary representations are fundamental in the world of computing. They are used to encode text and data for processing by computers and communication systems.

ASCII is a character encoding standard used in computers and communication equipment to represent text and control characters. Each character in the ASCII standard is assigned a unique numerical value, known as its ASCII code. For example, the ASCII code for the letter 'A' is 65, and the ASCII code for the digit '1' is 49.

A text is a written or spoken communication. It can be anything from a memo to a novel. Text is a type of data that is used to describe written or spoken communication.It can be any type of data, including letters, numbers, & symbols.

Convert between text and ASCII representations using this online converter. You can enter either text or ASCII codes and switch between them effortlessly.

Keyword Tags: ASCII, text, converter, computer science,text ascii